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Dillon Ryan & The Dream Romantic/Lazermortis/The Gregories

Enter a dreamscape of sound with Dillon Ryan & The Dream Romantic, Lazermortis and The Gregories on Friday May 31st.


Doors at 7pm

Show at 8pm


$10+tax advance

$15+tax at the door




Dillon Ryan & The Dream Romantic 


"Dillon Ryan & the Dream Romantic are a new wave band from the East Coast of Canada based out of Moncton/Miramichi NB. The band is authentically breathing new life into the underexplored genres of new wave, goth and post punk. Their inspiration from the Smiths, Echo & The Bunnymen and the Cure is marvelously palpable in their material yet their work remains completely fresh. Their hauntingly melodic landscapes swallow you into a cinematic gothic universe. It’s soothing yet scary and you just can't get enough. Dillon Ryan & The Dream Romantic weave melodic lullabies and gothic ballads that cling to listeners. Their poetic songwriting paired with a beautifully melancholic sonic landscape is an enthralling void to lose yourself to. In a world oversaturated with pathological positivity it’s exciting to hear such an emotionally generous band. Their music somehow makes you want to dance and cry at the same time, it’s a rare and honest dichotomy. The band is a 4 time Music New Brunswick award nominee and winner of the 2017 "Fans Choice Award".  Ryan has released 3 albums to date and is currently touring in support of the newest album "In Polaroid" which was produced by John Mullane (In-Flight Safety) 




Lazermortis is a full time funeral director and embalmer by day and an 80’s inspired synthwave/outrun artist by night. Hailing from Atlantic Canada, Lazer released her debut album Backseat Demons on June 30, 2020, which has achieved over 70K streams on Spotify with her standout track Below The Sunrise! Her latest EP, Autonetic Afterlife is a marriage between her career and her passion for synthwave, exploring how artificial intelligence might perceive death and the afterlifet.


The Gregories


The Gregories are quartet of musicians based in Moncton, New Brunswick. They play strange pop, art rock, and disquieting love songs. While their music evokes an era that straddles the 1970’s and 80’s, it is still thoroughly contemporary and defies nostalgia. Often humorous and dream-like , David Gregory’s lyrics probe the absurdities of being human. Their first record “The Offal Truth” was released in the autumn of 2018. It was recorded, mixed and produced by Pierre-Guy Blanchard who is best known for his work with Les Hay Babies, Lisa LeBlanc and Les Hôtesses d’Hilaire. Currently promoting their current record "Tonights The Day" .



Haven Music Hall is a street-level small music venue without fixed seating. This show is combination standing and seating room only. Our entrance exterior is a 34" wide door that has a small lip/step up from the street. Once inside, our entrance vestibule has three steps up into the space with an interior entrance opening of 70". We have two single-use washrooms with toilets. If you'd like more information about accessing our space please email 

Safer Spaces Policy/Code of Conduct

Haven Music Hall (HMH) is committed to ensuring a safer show experience for musicians, audiences, staff, and volunteers. If you see or experience any form of harassment or abuse please inform the bar staff on site. If you experience harassment or abuse and wish to inform us after the fact please email This email is read by the HMH owners only and any reports of safety violations will be treated as confidential. Incidents that are reported in real time are written up by the handling staff member and are confidential and kept on file. Abuse and harassment of an audience member, musician, HMH staff, security, or volunteers will result in immediate ejection from the premises, potential probationary period, and potential banning from the premises. As event coordinators we prioritize the experiences of the musicians, staff, and audience members, so patrons who are being disruptive to the performance or bothering staff will be asked to stop their disruptive actions, and may/or be asked to leave the premises.

Alcohol Information

Haven Music Hall is a licensed liquor establishment with policies in line with the Government of New Brunswick's Liquor Control Act. The Liquor Control Act prohibits the overserving of alcohol. Patrons who arrive visibly inebriated will be refused service and entrance to the event. Patrons who become visibily inebriated will be refused service and will have safe transportation arranged for them. If the patron's friends or family are unable to proivde safe and sober transportation it is required by law that HMH staff contact the non-emergency line of the Saint John Police Department and arrange transportation with a police officer. 

Alcohol Serving Policy

Haven Music Hall is a licensed liquor establishment with overserving policies in line with the Government of New Brunswick's Liquor Control Act. If a patron arrives visibily inebriated they will not be served and transportation will be arranged for them. If a patron becomes visibily inebirated they will not be served and transportation will be arranged for them. Under the Liquor Control Act if a patron cannot be transported home by a sober friend or family member then Haven Music Hall staff are obligated to call a Police Officer to escort them. We check IDs at both the door and at the bar. If someone under the age of 19 purchases a ticket for a 19+ show they will not be admitted. 

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